~ Welcome ~

"All izz well"

This words is taken from the "3 idiots" movie which always remembering me to look something fine whatever it was the worst situation ever...

So ?

I want this word "revealed" in our daily activities...

Bring all of problems into happiness and positive thinking... = b

*NB :

I'm not skilled on Grammar, so don't protest me if i have a bad English~ = b

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Sims 3 Khun

Sims 3 Khun
Coming Soon The Sims 3 Khun Story @ http://nottherealkhun.blogspot.com

Recently Listening to Big Bang

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Tuesday 25 January 2011

GTA San Andreas Map of Gang Tag Locations

Tag Locations Map 
Due to the size of this map it cannot be displayed on the same page as the site template, so you will have to click on the thumbnail below which will open the full map in a new window. You can then use the scroll bars to make your way across it. Clicking on a number on the image will pop up with a screenshot of the location in order to help you find the exact location. Please excuse the wait while the file loads, due to the quality of the image the size is in the region of 400kb which may take a minute or so on 56k. If you're still on 56k you should be shot though :). Use the small radar shown on each screenshot, as well as their marked location on the map to help you pinpoint the position of the Tags I'd advise working through them in order so you don't get lost.

From : gta-sanandreas.com

If you don't mind to donate me here

Friday 21 January 2011

GTA San Andreas Modding : San Andreas Citizens by Patrick W

Dutchy3010 (scm-scripting)
PatrickW (scm-scripting)
"San Andreas Citizens" is a SCM modification that allows you to easily switch into any San Andreas Citizen that you encounter. Simply press 'Y' when you're near another citizen and you will become that citizen.
Some citizens have special abilities. These will be described on screen when you switch into such a citizen.
More extensive description and an overview of all citizens with a special ability (at this moment) can be found soon at: gtaforums.com in the mission_mods showroom.

Installation and starting:

1) Create a directory MPACK in the directory "GTA San Andreas User Files" in "My Documents".
2) Copy the MPACK3 directory from this download into that new directory.
3) Start GTA San Andreas, start a new game and choose the option: "San Andreas Citizens".

Download Version 1.2 (01-apr-2008)

GTA San Andreas CHEAT

Weapons, Health, Armor & Money 

LXGIWYL = Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
PROFESSIONALSKIT = Weapon Set 2, Professional Tools
UZUMYMW = Weapon Set 3, Nutter Tools
HESOYAM = Health, Armor, $250k
BAGUVIX = Semi-Infinite Health
CVWKXAM = Infinite Oxygen
ANOSEONGLASS = Adrenaline Mode
FULLCLIP = Infinite Ammo, No Reload
 Police, Stats & Gangs 

TURNUPTHEHEAT = Increase Wanted Level Two Stars
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = Clear Wanted Level
BUFFMEUP = Max Muscle
KVGYZQK = Skinny
AEZAKMI = Never Wanted
BRINGITON = Six Star Wanted Level
WORSHIPME = Max Respect
HELLOLADIES = Max Sex Appeal
VKYPQCF = Max Stamina
PROFESSIONALKILLER = Hitman In All Weapon Stats
NATURALTALENT = Max All Vehicle Skill Stats
 Spawning Objects 

AIWPRTON = Spawn Rhino
OLDSPEEDDEMON = Spawn Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Spawn Rancher
VROCKPOKEY = Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV = Spawn Racecar
TRUEGRIME = Spawn Trashmaster
RZHSUEW = Spawn Caddy
JUMPJET = Spawn Hydra
KGGGDKP = Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
AIYPWZQP = Have Parachute
ROCKETMAN = Have Jetpack
OHDUDE = Spawn Hunter
AMOMHRER = Spawn Tanker Truck
ITSALLBULL = Spawn Dozer
FLYINGTOSTUNT = Spawn Stunt Plane
MONSTERMASH = Spawn Monster

CPKTNWT = Blow Up All Cars
STICKLIKEGLUE = Perfect Handling
ZEIIVG = All green lights
YLTEICZ = Aggressive Drivers
LLQPFBN = Pink traffic
IOWDLAC = Black traffic
FLYINGFISH = Boats fly
EVERYONEISPOOR = Traffic is Cheap Cars
EVERYONEISRICH = Traffic is Fast Cars
JCNRUAD = Smash n' Boom
SPEEDFREAK = All Cars Have Nitro
BUBBLECARS = Cars Float Away When Hit
OUIQDMW = Free Aim While Driving
GHOSTTOWN = Reduced Traffic
FVTMNBZ = Traffic is Country Vehicles
BMTPWHR = Country Vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit

SPEEDITUP = Faster Gameplay
SLOWITDOWN = Slower Gameplay
AJLOJYQY = Peds Attack Each Other, Get Golf Club
BAGOWPG = Have a bounty on your head
FOOOXFT = Everyone is armed
BLUESUEDESHOES = Elvis is Everywhere
BGLUAWML = Peds Attack You With Weapons, Rocket Launcher
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ = Gangs Control the Streets
NINJATOWN = Ninja Theme
BEKKNQV = Slut Magnet
CJPHONEHOME = Huge Bunny Hop
KANGAROO = Mega Jump
CRAZYTOWN = Funhouse Theme
SJMAHPE = Recruit Anyone (9mm)
ROCKETMAYHEM = Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
 Weather & Time 

TOODAMNHOT = Very Sunny Weather
ALNSFMZO = Overcast Weather
AUIFRVQS = Rainy Weather
CFVFGMJ = Foggy Weather
YSOHNUL = Faster Clock
NIGHTPROWLER = Always Midnight
OFVIAC = Orange Sky 21:00
CWJXUOC = Sandstorm

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Ciri-ciri Pria Tidak Dewasa

Anak-anak mengalami proses merasakan, bertindak dan berpikir. Sedangkan pria dewasa berpikir, bertindak dan akhirnya merasakan. Tetapi saat ini, kebanyakan pria dewasa mirip seperti seorang anak kecil, mereka lebih suka bertindak dahulu baru berpikir, kemudian merasakan penyesalan atas tindakannya itu.

Pria yang tidak sadar akan keegoisannya adalah pria yang belum dewasa. Seorang pria yang belum dewasa sering kali tidak sadar akan keegoisannya, mari kita lihat contoh berikut: suatu keluarga, ayah, ibu dan seorang anak sedang makan pagi bersama. Di meja makan telah tersedia roti panggang, susu dan yang lainnya. Ketika sang anak hendak mengambil roti panggang, tangannya menyenggol gelas yang berisi susu hingga jatuh. Seketika itu juga ayahnya memandang dia dengan mimik muka yang marah sambil berkata: “kurang ajar! Susu aja tumpah, kamu gimana sih ngambilnya!” Sang anak tidak menjawab. Selesai makan, dia langsung masuk kamar dan menagis. Keesokan harinya, diwaktu yang sama, keluarga ini di meja makan lagi. Saat sang ayah hendak mengambil roti panggang, tangannya menyenggol susu hingga jatuh, sang ayah memandang marah kepada sang ibu dan berkata: “mama! Kenapa taruh susu disini!”

Tidak Konsisten
Tuhan dan wanita, menginginkan agar pria memiliki konsistensi, ketegasan dan kekuatan. Kesetiaan adalah batu penjuru dari karakter. Sering kali pria hanya mengutamakan dan menonjolkan kemampuan dan kharisma, tetapi tidak menekankan kesetiaan. Hanya kesetiaan yang dapat membuat pria terus berkembang dalam hidupnya. Kharisma bisa membawa Anda ke atas, tetapi hanya karakter yang dapat mempertahankannya.

Tidak Tepat Janji
Perkataan seorang pria adalah ukuran dari karakternya. Perkataan Anda membuktikan kepriaan Anda, kepriaan Anda membuktikan perkataan Anda.

Tidak Bertanggung Jawab
Hakikat utama menjadi seorang ayah adalah mengajar anak-anaknya bertanggung jawab atas perbuatan mereka. Tanggung jawab seorang ayah bukanlah membuat keputusan bagi anaknya, melainkan membiarkan anaknya melihat bagaimana sang ayah membuat keputusan. Tanggung jawab terhadap kesuksesan tergantung pada kemauan untuk bertangung jawab terhadap kegagalan.

Suka Bersembunyi
Krisis tidak akan membentuk karkater seorang pria, krisis hanya akan mengungkapkan siapa dia sesungguhnya. Orang sukses melihat krisis sebagai kesempatan untuk berubah: dari yang kurang kepada yang lebih, dari yang kecil kepada yang lebih besar.

Hanya Berespon Terhadap Pemaksaan
Pria yang belum dewasa adalah pria yang hanya berespon apabila dipaksa atau ditekan. Tuhan tidak menciptakan manusia untuk menjadi diktator, melainkan pemimpin.

Apabila ketujuh ciri ini masih melekat pada Anda berarti anda belum tepat dikatakan dewasa. Menjadi laki-laki adalah masalah kelahiran, menjadi pria sejati adalah masalah pilihan.

10 Perilaku Pria Yang Bikin Wanita Menderita

Setiap manusia, baik pria maupun wanita, tentu memiliki perilaku yang buruk. Nah, yang paling umum dikeluhkan oleh kaum wanita adalah sifat egois pasangannya. Kira-kira perilaku apa saja ya yang kerap ditunjukkan oleh kaum pria dan tanpa sadar mereka telah membuat istri atau kekasih mereka menderita? Berikut beberapa rangkumannya..

1. Male Ego, 
sebuah istilah dalam ilmu psikologi, yang menggambarkan salah satu sifat pria. Ego itu sendiri, merupakan sifat ke-aku-an dari pria. Dalam realitanya, mengacu pada perkembangan kultur social male ego ini, sering dikonotasikan sebagai egoisme yang semena-mena dan mau menang sendiri, sehingga memberikan citra yang negatif.

Padahal kalau saja kaum pria sebagai kaum pria yang lebih rasional bisa mereduksi dan memahami keinginan kaum wanita, apalagi pasangannya. Kaum pria bisa memperbaiki, kalau saja mengerti apa yang tidak disukai oleh kaum wanita.

2. Pelit Dan Perhitungan
Wanita pada dasarnya memiliki sifat yang meterialistis. Sifat ini sudah menjadi kodrat dari setiap wanita yang tidak perlu dipersoalkan. Menurut sejumlah penelitian dan kasus-kasus, perhatian terhadap kebendaan oleh kaum wanita adalah hal yang wajar karena dalam realitasnya mereka tak bisa dilepaskan dari materi. Karena itu, dalam tatanan social maupun relegi, kaum laki-laki punya kewajiban untuk memenuhi kebutuhan material pasangannya. Maka kalau saja Anda royal dalam memberikan uang, maupun menyediakan rumah yang indah, bisa menyediakan mobil pribadi yang bagus dan membanjiri hadiah-hadiah, Anda bukan saja laki-laki yang mampu memenuhi salah satu kewajibannya, tapi juga memahami salah satu keinginan wanita. Percayalah, wanita akan sangat menderita kalau saja pasangannya adalah laki-laki yang pelit dan penuh perhitungan. Ia merasa tidak percaya. Sebenarnya, siapa yang pantas hitung menghitung: wanita atau pria?

3. Kasar Dan Melakukan Kekerasan
Laki-laki memang memiliki fisik yang kuat, tapi jelas bukan untuk menyakiti dan melakukan kekerasan pada wanita. Wanita adalah makhluk yang secara fisik lebih lemah, sehingga membutuhkan perlindungan. Ia makhluk perasa dan suka kelembutan.

Maka, jangan sekali-kali kasar dan melakukan kekerasan pada wanita. Dan laki-laki yang kasar dan ringan tangan, pada umumnya cenderung dictator dan mau menang sendiri.

4. Tidak Setia Selingkuh
Wanita sebenarnya juga punya sifat egois. Ia tidak ingin membagi apa yang jadi miliknya, apalagi kalau itu berharga. Dan siapa yang merelakan pria miliknya untuk wanita lain? Karena itu, sangat bisa dimengerti kalau pria yang dianggapnya hanya menyayanginya ternyata juga berpaling pada orang lain. Itu bukan hanya berarti tidak lagi menghargainya, tapi juga mengkhianatinya. Laki-laki yang berprilaku begini bukan saja dibencinya, tapi kalau menuruti kata hati wanita, mungkin dibunuhnya. Kalau toh memaafkannya, sebenarnyalah, ketidaksetiaan dan selingkuh itu tak akan dilupakannya.

5. Mata Keranjang
Pria boleh mengatakan bahwa ketertarikan pada lain jenis adalah sifat kodrati. Wanita memang makhluk yang suka diperhatikan, terutama oleh pria tentunya. Tapi bukan untuk dinomorduakan. Sifat mata keranjang menunjukkan ketertarikan pada wanita lain adalah tindakan yang tidak menghargai wanita yang telah dipilihnya. Apalagi kalau tindakan itu menjadi serius yang dapat dipastikan bisa menciptakan permasalahan yang lebih kompleks. Maka sebaiknya janganlah menduakan wanita pendamping Anda. Kalau toh mengagumi wanita lain, jangan ditunjukkan terang-terangan.

6. Bodoh & Tidak Punya Sesuatu
Ketetarikan wanita pada pria, pada umumnya karena pria tersebut memiliki sesuatu hal yang istimewa. Dengan sesuatu yang istimewa itulah tumbuh rasa kekaguman. Dan sesuatu yang mendasar tersebut adalah tingkat kecerdasan. Seseorang laki-laki yang cerdas dalam arti yang luas akan lebih mudah menarik hati wanita, karena dengan begitu ia bisa membanggakannya dan dengan begitu bisa mengangkat martabatnya di hadapan orang lain. Sebaliknya, kalau pria itu bodoh, apa yang bisa dibanggakan? Apalgi dalam komunitas ekseklutif yang telah membentuk diri bahwa Anda bukan laki-laki yang intover dan ketinggalan jaman.

7. Tidak Romantis Dan Tidak Peduli
Wanita selalu ingin dimanja oleh pasangannya. Pada dasarnya wanita mempunyai sifat yang introvert, dan tidak percaya diri. Karena itulah wanita lebih suka pada pria yang romantis, yang pandai menyatakan rasa ketertarikan dan sanjungan. Ia sangat sebal pada laki-laki yang kaku, meskipun sebenarnya cinta sekali. Karena itu, pujilah istri Anda sesering mungkin. Ucapkan kata-kata cinta, karena itu bisa membahagiakannya.

8. Tidak Tegas, Tak Berkepribadian
Kultur social keluarga di Indonesia masih menempatkan pria sebagai kepala keluarga. Suami adalah pemimpin. Apalagi ketegasan sering dikaitkan dengan rasa tanggungjawab dan ini menyangkut kepribadian seseorang.
Coba saja, bagaimana wanita merasa nyaman dan aman kalau pendampingnya lemah, plin plan, tak berpendirian dan rapuh?

9. Berbohong Tidak Jujur
Ada yang bilang wanita adalah makhluk yang suka dibohongi. Tetapi ingat, kalau saja ia tahu bahwa Anda ternyata telah berbohong, ia akan membenci setengah mati, karena ia merasa telah tidak dihargai dan dipermainkan.
Jadi sebaiknya memang Anda berlaku sebagaimana seharusnya, menajdi laki-laki yang bertanggungjawab, sehingga Anda tak perlu berbohong padanya.

10. Mendengkur
Tahukah Anda bahwa sebenarnya wanita sangat tersiksa mendengar dengkuran suaminya? Karena itu, kalau Anda saying dan ingin disayang istri Anda, sembuhkanlah kebiasaan mendengkur. Atau bujuk istri Anda, agar ia bisa menikmatinya, seperti musik malam yang indah.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

2PM - Without U ( Video & Lyrics on Kanji, Romaji, English Translation )



I'm gonna get stronger

Geurae heyeojin gedeo joha eochapi eonjen gan neowa
Ireon iri isseosseul geogatae neon bun myeonghi iraesseul geogatae
Geureol ba eya charari jigeumin ge naji gipi sarang hage dwego naseo alji
Anheun geol da haengeuro saeng gakhae geuraeseo, I'm ok

Nae modeungeol akkim eobshi da jwosseo
Neoreul mideo giye nae modeun geol da jwosseo
Neon geugeol beoryeosseo, I gave you my everything
Geuraeseo ijen

I'm gonna be ok, gonna be ok, I'll be ok, gonna be ok
Baby without you, baby without you
Neo eobshi meojige, eobshi meojige, deo meojige, eobshi meojige
Ireonal geoya, without you, saragal geoya, without you

Listen, everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason
Dareun namjareun mannan geoneun ibeon han beonppun iraneun
Maldo andweneun mallo bonamana tanlo nal yaegi malgo geunyang doraseo
Naega neomu apeo neoreul boneunge geuman hago shipeo

Maeil maeil naneun sokgo isseosseo
Niga eotteon saraminji jocha mollasseo
Ijeneun arasseo neon sarangeul molla
Geuraeseo ijen

I'm gonna be ok, gonna be ok, I'll be ok, gonna be ok
Baby without you, baby without you
Neo eobshi meojige, eobshi meojige, deo meojige, eobshi meojige
Ireonal geoya, without you, saragal geoya, without you

Wae naege iraeni, why, daeche naege wae geuraeni make me cry
Uriga gajyeoteon geol da beoril jeongdoro gabeochi ineun iri eoteon geon mani
Uriga hamkke haeteon shigan deuri tto hamke halsu isseoteon shigan deuri
Ashipji do anhni neoneun sang gwan eopni jigeum neon, are you ok without me

I'm gonna be ok, gonna be ok, I'll be ok, gonna be ok
Baby without you, baby without you
Neo eobshi meojige, eobshi meojige, deo meojige, eobshi meojige
Ireonal geoya, without you, saragal geoya, without you


I’m gonna get stronger
그래 헤어진 게 더 좋아 어차피 언젠 간 너와
이런 일이 있었을 것 같애 넌 분명히 이랬을 것 같애
그럴 바에야 차라리 지금인 게 낫지 깊이 사랑하게 되고 나서 알지
않은 걸 다행으로 생각해 그래서 I’m ok
내 모든걸 아낌없이 다 줬어 너를 믿었기에 내 모든걸 다 줬어
넌 그걸 버렸어 I gave you my everything 그래서 이젠

I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)
I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)
baby without you, baby without you
너 없이 멋지게 더 멋지게
일어날 거야 (without u) 살아갈 거야 (without u)

Listen- everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason,
다른 남잘 만난 거는 이번 한 번뿐 이라는
말도 안 되는 말로 보나마나 탄로 날 얘기 말고 그냥 돌아서
내가 너무 아퍼 너를 보는 게 그만 하고 싶어
매일매일 나는 속고 있었어, 네가 어떤 사람인지 조차 몰랐어
이제는 알았어 넌 사랑을 몰라 그래서 이젠

I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)
I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)
baby without you, baby without you
너 없이 멋지게 더 멋지게
일어날 거야 (without u) 살아갈 거야 (without u)

왜 내게 이랬니 why? 대체 내게 왜 그랬니 made me cry
우리가 가졌던걸 다 버릴 정도로 값어치 있는 일이었던 건 맞니
우리가 함께했던 시간들이 또 함께 할 수 있었던 시간들이
아쉽지도 않니 너는 상관없니 지금 넌 Are you ok without me?

I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)
I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)
baby without you, baby without you
너 없이 멋지게 더 멋지게
일어날 거야 (without u) 살아갈 거야 (without u)

English Translation

i'm gonna get stronger
right, it's better to be separated, anyways I knew at some point you and i
would have had this situtation, I definitely know you would have done this
instead of that it's better to be me right now
after I was in deep love I knew
I'm relieved I knew about this That's why I'm ok
I gave my all to you
I trusted you so I gave everything to you
You threw that away I gave you my everything that's why now...

I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)
I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)
baby without you, baby without you
without u more cooler more cooler
I'll stand I'll live

Listen, everything happesn for a reason, everything happesn for a reason,
you said this was the first time meeting a different guy
that doesn't even make sense, obviously what you said is gonna be proved wrong, so just turn around
It really hurts me to see you, I want to stop
Everyday I was being tricked, I didn't know what kind of person you were
Now I know, you don't know love that's why now...

I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)
I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)
baby without you, baby without you
without u more cooler more cooler
I'll stand I'll live

why did you do this to me why?
Seriously why did you do this to me made me cry
You threw away everything we posessed, was everything we did actually valuable?
the times we had together, the times we could've had together
aren't you even sad about it? do you not care? right now are you, are you ok without me?

I’m gonna be ok (Gonna be ok)
I’ll be ok (Gonna be ok)
baby without you, baby without you
without u more cooler more cooler
I'll stand I'll live

Love is not last forever...But memories will...

 "Love is not last forever...But memories will..."

Just some words from my friend's blog that touch my heart and make me remember my past,something about love that never forget...
Maybe it's not first heartbreak....but it's first love..

Started from 14 July 2004, almost 7 years ago... first time i met him...

We were on training before we entered our High School...It was called MOS (Masa Orientasi Siswa) in Indonesian...
I met him when my group in the training grouped with his group...Our group was grouped to make some show in the Night Party on the last night of the training like the other group too...I was remember i'm in group "19" and he was in group "17"...
Our group were making some show about dance and drama.....For a dance,we make some piece of paper with number on it...It was to choose dance partner with number.....People with the same number will be partnered to a dance couple...
When i took the piece of paper out, the paper showed to me number "3".....And,when the leader said to find another person in group who have the same number,i searched who is it and found him..

Seems look good to met him like that...
First time i saw him....."the mysterious boy,good-looking,cool,silent"

Unfortunatelly, althrough we have the same number...we didn't be coupled...the leader separated us and coupled us with another, because there was a couple which has some trouble with height, the woman was short,the man was to tall for her...So,i coupled with the man, and he was coupled with the woman...
Sad,eh ? Surely...
Because the man who coupled with me was not good-looking,ahhahahahhaha~
But for me it's not matter, as long as our group was did well for the show...

Time goes, and I was realized that i was classmated with him, after the two weeks of the first day i saw him..

Happy? Not at all...
I just said "Oh,that boy who on group 19 in the training..."
But...as time goes..
I started to have some interest in him,especially his personality...His humorous...
On that time, humorous is the important one of my type of boy...So, i choose him...
When i realized it now, it's naive (Just like boy because he have sense of humor)...
But,it happened that way....That's one of the reason i like him...The another reason is he looked different among the other boys...
Something like...He interested in 60's-80's music era which another boy in my age was not interested on it...Seems to be oldies in his young age...That's he is...

Unfortunatelly,we were not friends at that time.....

Because of me,who has bad personallity which is introvert and nervous in front of man...Seriously, i hate that personallity and wanted to change it...But in that time,it couldn't be change...because i was thought that "It cannot be change,that's my personallity,that's my fate"

And then, in the last day of the school year in the class, we were separated.....I hear that he wasn't get on the next grade...He was failed...
So he stepped out from our school...move to the another school..

Like become love, and i didn't realize it...

I was really shocked when i hear that....
I started to crying on my bed.....crying for the first man i like, maybe the first man i love... I think i've lost my chance to met him again...
 That time, i still didn't realize...

Until now.....when i heard those words "Love is not last forever...But memories will... "

Make me realized to remember about this things that he was my first love...
As time goes by,now i met him again, in my different personallity, in different place and situation...
and we are friends right now...
i still cannot forget that time,and not forget that i love him...
He'll know that when i return his photos with the words i wrote behind it...

Do you think now i started to love him again ?
You're right... 

Sunday 16 January 2011

Battle Realms Mod : Activated Dragon's Munument with just 1 peasant (NO SAMURAI COSTS)

Just 1 peasant on Dragon's Monument.....Have the dragon fire free,dont need / costs any samurai...:D

Battle Realms : Modding (Change Character into another characther and animal)

And into Animal

Battle Realms : Modding Battlerealms.dat by Marcello

Im not used in making tutorials so please bare with me. For me Battle Realms can be widely modded via two files that if you want to be a modder must understand fully, the first one is of course Battle_Realms_F.exe and its dependant dlls namely the scripts folders that contain all the campaigns scripts, you can change some of the game aspect using Ollydbg (a free win 32 aplication debbugger and assembler-dissasembler) and the other file is Battlerealms.dat, like the name said it stores all the data that was compiled and the exe will call it when needing values for the game itself and its internal functions.

This second file is the one we will discuss here.

General Tips
First please download XVI32 a free hex editor from the link:
<a href="http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/free...32.htm#download" target="_blank">http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delphi/free...32.htm#download</a>
Next we need to configure the editor to suit our needs like this:
Go to Tools-->Options-->Appearance and check "Use blank to display control characters", I cant stress this enough since it will make your life easier when you are browsing the file.
If you want to find a section quicker press Crl+F and put whatever you want in the text box, them push "convert text to hex", you will get something like this 42 61 64 08 but to actually find the text fill with 00 like this 42 00 61 00 64 00 08, remember that the text strings are filled with controls characters.
The Windows Scientific Calculator is your best friend if you are not used with hex values.

Then the real works begin, I post a pic to show the data and painted in two colors, red and green, to divide the values in segments that I will explain step by step.

Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 1024) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

I will begin with the block marked blue, it separates our code data from the previous entry and thus is the beggining of the code we will inspect, the next sections are marked red and green and I will ONLY describe the values of the marked segments starting from the:

Value 00 Entry ID
Dont change this as you can get a crash window.

Value 11 to 74 Building name
Check out for the first 11, its a fixed value that indicate the lenght of the ASCII string, if you change this value you will get an out of memory error. Although in theory it cant be changed is useful whe you want to find a section fast, I will explain the technique later.

Value 7D Model Type
As it name states its the entry for the 3d model to use, you can freely change this value to make your building look like other buildings, even more you can input values from other clans buildings too!

Value 06 Tech Level
Or in other words needed tech level to have the building available, pretty useless as for multiplayers games there dont seem to be a way to set the starting tech level, but for the campaigns maps they are set in each map to disable some buildings at the begginning.

Value 80 to 3F Building`s Armor
This one is a big segment, its holds the Data for the Buildings Armor in the following order Cutting, Piercing, Blunt, Fire, Explosive and Magical. Take a look for the Cutting values and you will see that the data is arranged in this way 80 3F, the first value is the one we want to change. Raising the 80 to its max value FE will make the building extremely vulnerable to cutting attacks, on the other hand lowering to 01 will make it harder to this type of attack and last filling the values with 00 00 will make the building invulnerable to this type of attacks and will display "the selected unit cannot attack this building", that explain why only sledgers can break the pile of rocks blocking your path in the Graybacks journey.

Value 64 to 32 Building Cost and Refund
The first two 64s (100 in decimal) are the hex value for the Rice and Water cost respectively and the followings 32 are the values for the resource refund when you destroy the building, this way you can make your building generate tons of resources with just only rising the values for the refund data.

Value 05 to 19 Unit1 Training
This part is where it becomes more interesting (if you arent tired or bored of reading this yet), I will explain this part to the best I can. The value 05 holds the entry for the unit allowed to enter the building and the next 01 the unit that will generate after the training. Imagine what you can do with this!, make a peasant train in a building and it becomes a Hero unit and even change for other clans units. Well posibly values are:

PUSH 0 Archer
PUSH 1 Chemist
PUSH 2 Dragon Warrior
PUSH 3 Geisha
PUSH 4 Kabuki
PUSH 5 Peasant
PUSH 6 Sumo Canonneer
PUSH 7 Samurai
PUSH 8 Spearman

PUSH 13 Bandit
PUSH 14 Cannoneer
PUSH 15 Crossbowman
PUSH 16 Geisha
PUSH 17 Musketeer
PUSH 18 Peasant
PUSH 19 Raider
PUSH 1A Ronin
PUSH 1B Spirit Warrior
PUSH 1C Spirit Warrior
PUSH 1D Swordman

PUSH 1E Blade Acolyte
PUSH 20 Tausil
PUSH 2A Unclean
PUSH 2B Warlock

PUSH 2C Ballista Man
PUSH 2D Berserker
PUSH 2E Brawler
PUSH 2F Druidess
PUSH 30 Hurler
PUSH 31 Mauler
PUSH 32 Pack Master
PUSH 33 Peasant
PUSH 34 Pitch Slinger
PUSH 35 Sledger
PUSH 36 Werewolf

PUSH 39 Dragon
PUSH 40 Original Prince Taro, crash the game
PUSH 42 Monk
PUSH 43 Nightvol
PUSH 44 Ninja
PUSH 4F Horse
PUSH 53 Zombie

PUSH 55 Arah
PUSH 56 Budo
PUSH 57 Gaihla
PUSH 58 Garrin
PUSH 59 Grayback
PUSH 5A Issyl
PUSH 5B Kazan
PUSH 5C Kenji_Dragon
PUSH 5D Kenji_No Sword
PUSH 5E Kenji_Serpent
PUSH 5F Kenji_Young
PUSH 60 Kenji_2 Dragon
PUSH 61 Kenji_2 No Sword
PUSH 62 Kenji_2 Serpent
PUSH 63 Kenji_Dragon 3
PUSH 64 Kenji one with the dragon
PUSH 65 Kenji_Serpent 3
PUSH 66 Koryl
PUSH 67 Long Tooth
PUSH 68 Necromancer
PUSH 69 Otomo Serpent
PUSH 6A Otomo Dragon
PUSH 6B Shinja Serpent
PUSH 6C Shinja Dragon
PUSH 6D Soban
PUSH 6F Shale Lord
PUSH 70 Utara
PUSH 71 Vetkin
PUSH 72 Zymeth
PUSH 73 Zymeth one with the orb

Forget about the PUSH word (its just that the list was too big that I copy paste from my debbugger doc info) also since the values are arranged in alfabetical order you can fill the missing spaces by yourself. I recommend memorizing this table or have it handy since you will need it if you want to understand how the Keeps summons the Heroes, which units are affected with a certain technique and so on. I may consider the values as ID pointers since the exe calls it whenever a unit is generated.

Returning to the matter at hand, the last 19 is the training time. If you want to make your unit train almost instantly put a 01 here.

Value 08 to 1E Unit 2 Training
Only with data if the building allows more than one training, same as above but for the second training, i.e. the training a chemist do when entering a dojo.

Value 02 to 2D Unit 3 Training
Only with data if the building allows more than one training, same as above but for the third training, i.e. the training a kabuki do when entering a dojo.

Value 10 to 03 Button Upgrades
This data store the internal entry ID for the buttons upgrades available to this building. The value 14 03 refers to the Tempered Steel the only value you can change here is the 14 as the 03 seems to be fixed, the game is very tricky in this part like you can have the same upgrades in every building but for the CURRENT clan only. For example you cant make the Tempered Steel to be available in the Serpent Alchemist Hut but you can have it in a Dragon Bath House. Also this segment works completely different in some buildings, like the Keep, where the upgrades buttons are exchanged for the heroes buttons.

The Dragon Keep
I have seen some people who ask how a Hero can be included in the multiplayer and so on, is really easy, just look at the picture.

Resized to 75% (was 1280 x 1024) - Click image to enlargePosted Image

You will see the values 69,5B,55,58,6E and 8D and if you see the units table you will find that correspond to Otomo, Kazan, Arah, Garrin, Tao and Teppo in this order. You can freely change this values to make whatever hero or unit to be available at the keep just take notice that the last slot only works for WOTW. I dont know what 80 3F 2D do though.

Value 20 42 Building time
Not quite the truth, it seems more or less to work like the health and stamina regeneration system but the difference that you need a peasant to make it work and the other is automatic. If you want to make your building be constructed "somewhat" faster lower the value 20 to 01. Dont touch the 42 as IS a fixed multiplier and can crash the game.

...to be continued

Since I am a little tired I will continue in the Next Chapter. Then I will explain the buildings pre-requisites, all about the units and techniques, but for the people that dont like to wait I will give you the next addresses.

Here you can see how the data is organized in big chunk of segments and what values correspond to what function. The list of funtions for the buildings begin at the address FC4C2 and the actual data at the adress 133A7C. Investigate them to understand more the code and dont forget to put your findings here.

Lotus >>>>
21 = Sehk
22 = Channeler
23 = diseased one
24 = Golem
25 = Infested one
26 = leaf disciple
27 = master warlock
28 = Peasant
1F = Lythis
7C = Overseer
7D = Reaper

Original Battle Realms
00 Archer
01 Chemist
02 Dragon Warrior
03 Geisha
04 Kabuki
05 Peasant
06 Sumo Canonneer
07 Samurai
08 Spearman

13 Bandit
14 Cannoneer
15 Crossbowman
16 Geisha
17 Musketeer
18 Peasant
19 Raider
1A Ronin
1B Spirit Warrior
1C Spirit Warrior 2
1D Swordman

1E Blade Acolyte
1F Lythis
20 Tausil
21 Sehk
22 Channeler
23 Diseased one
24 Golem
25 Infested one
26 Leaf disciple
27 Master warlock
28 Peasant
29 Staff Adept
2A Unclean
2B Warlock

2C Ballista Man
2D Berserker
2E Brawler
2F Druidess
30 Hurler
31 Mauler
32 Pack Master
33 Peasant
34 Pitch Slinger
35 Sledger
36 Werewolf

37 Bat
38 Butterfly
39 The Dragon
3A Dragonfly
3B Fish
3C Fly
3D Frog
3E Hawk
3F Hordeling
40 Original Prince Taro (crash the game)
41 Lilypad Frog
42 Monk
43 Nightvol
44 Ninja
45 Owl
46 Rabbit
47 Rat
48 Raven
49 Scorpion
4A Seagull
4B Snake
4C Songbird
4D Squirrel
4E Tarrant
4F Trained Horse
50 Vulture 
51 Horse
52 Wolf
53 Zombie
54 Zombie 2

55 Arah
56 Budo
57 Gaihla
58 Garrin
59 Grayback
5A Issyl
5B Kazan
5C Kenji_Dragon
5D Kenji_No Sword (crash the game)
5E Kenji_Serpent
5F Kenji_Young (crash the game)
60 Kenji_2 Dragon
61 Kenji_2 No Sword (crash the game)
62 Kenji_2 Serpent
63 Kenji_Dragon 3
64 Kenji one with the dragon
65 Kenji_Serpent 3
66 Koryl
67 LongTooth
68 Necromancer
69 Otomo Serpent
6A Otomo Dragon
6B Shinja Serpent
6C Shinja Dragon
6D Soban
6E Tao
6F Shale Lord
70 Utara
71 Vetkin
72 Zymeth
73 Zymeth one with the orb

Winter of the Wolf

74 Chakram Maiden
75 Chakram Maiden Doppleganger
76 Guardian
77 Guardian (Dying)

78 Enforcer
79 Witch
7A Witch (Demon Form)
7B Witch (Demon Form 2)

7C Overseer
7D Reaper

7E Digger
7F Dryad

80 Arctic Fox
81 Shale Spider
82 Shambler
83 Shambler 2
84 Snowy Owl
85 Spirit wolf
86 White Wolf (From Wildeye)
87 Winter Rabbit

88 Graybak (Endgame)
89 Grayback (Middle)
8A Grayback (Slave)
8B LongTooth (Slave)
8C Taro
8D Teppo
8E Wildeye
8F Yvaine
90 Yvaine (Ungodly Power)


Battle Realms : Free Download H2O files & another scripts

Here is the link for H2O files : http://www.mediafire.com/?puc59659dr7ztdq
and http://www.mediafire.com/?1b5ca4h2194xph8
There is the speech.h2o, speech2.h2o, SFX2.H20,Music.H20,Music2.h20 ,Sunset.Slp, terrain file and texture file...

And here is the link for the Scripts : http://www.2shared.com/file/6zh9nfpt/journey.html
It includes a modded BR exe which removes "fog of war" and dll scripts.

Battle Realms : Change Sounds (Main Menu) using H2OTool

I've changed Koi Pond_Normal.wav with my favorite song ...
I use h2otool..

Here to Download H2otool file : http://sourceforge.net/projects/h2otool/files/h2otool/1.0/h2otool.1.0.zip/download

Steps :

1. I convert aishiteru.mp3 to aishiteru.wav then changed its name to Koi Pond_Normal.wav

2. extract file music.H2O
D:\Downloads\Compressed\h2o>h2otool exctract music.h2o d:\downloads\compressed\h2o\music\

3. overide my file

4. build music H2O
D:\Downloads\Compressed\h2o>h2otool build music.h2o d:\downloads\compressed\h2o\music\

5. Overwrite the original files with new music.h2o that I created .. dont forget to backup the original file music.h2o

after that I could hear that song in the main menu...B)

Saturday 15 January 2011

Free Download Cheat Engine 5.6.1 and 6.0

Cheat Application For Battle Realms Game !
- Here for FREE -

CheatEngine 6.0 Link Here : http://www.heijnen1.demon.nl/CheatEngine60.exe


Battle Realms Mod : Kabuki Monster

Made by Cros_Blunn

Here is the Mod Download Link : http://www.mediafire.com/?5txr45rhpb3yg2o

Battle Realms Mod

I don't know what it is....But it's looks like change the colour of your teammate...
I don't Know...But Just Try this ! :)

Download Link Here : http://www.4shared.com/file/-NRPFHbs/Battle_Realms_Mod.html

Battle Realms Modding : Change Team Colour (Black Kabuki Warriors for Example)

Black Kabuki Warriors

From Sanada :

I just start learning this modding, i start from team color mod, here i show what i get
start from address 20469A i got this address which i believe is team color address, i separate them and i got 8 sets of team color:

0000000000 00 00 00 00 3D 0A D7 3E AE 47 61 3F 00 00 00 00 3D 0A D7 3E AE 47 61 3F
0100000000 0A D7 23 3D 48 E1 3A 3F 9A 99 19 3E A4 70 BD 3E 0A D7 63 3F 0A D7 A3 3C
0200000000 00 00 80 3F B8 1E 05 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F B8 IE 05 3F 00 00 00 00
0300000000 CD CC 0C 3F CD CC 4C 3D 71 3D 4A 3F CD CC 0C 3F CD CC 4C 3D 71 3D 4A 3F
0400000000 0A D7 63 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0A D7 63 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0500000000 66 66 66 3F AE 47 61 3E F6 28 1C 3F 66 66 66 3F AE 47 61 3E F6 28 1C 3F
0600000000 AE 47 61 3E 00 00 80 3F F6 28 5C 3F AE 47 61 3E 00 00 80 3F F6 28 5C 3F
0700000000 1F 85 6B 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 1F 85 6B 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00

each line is mean each team color in the game order whict mean first line is light blue, second line is green, etc etc
for other color except the second line i fount the hex was mirrorred, however i connot read or convert it to the universal hex values of color, so i only have two fixed value which is:
FF = 00 00 80 3F
HEY HEY!!! do you know how to make dark brown color?to make it look like leather brown
and 00 = 00 00 00 00
so if you want the third team has white color so change the values of the third line
0200000000 00 00 80 3F B8 1E 05 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F B8 IE 05 3F 00 00 00 00
0200000000 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F
and if you want the six team color became black whis is like the screenshot of black kabuki :
0500000000 66 66 66 3F AE 47 61 3E F6 28 1C 3F 66 66 66 3F AE 47 61 3E F6 28 1C 3F
0500000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
it also work if you want example pure blue for first team which is 0000FF:
0000000000 00 00 00 00 3D 0A D7 3E AE 47 61 3F 00 00 00 00 3D 0A D7 3E AE 47 61 3F
00200000000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 3F

Battle Realms Winter Of The Wolf : Fog Of War Mod Free Download

Download here : http://www.2shared.com/file/9171479/4e24949b/WOTW-Fog_of_War_Mod.html

Used to clear the fog to look at the map...

Made by : Marcello

Battle Realms WOTW No Building Limits mod

File Name : Battle Realms WOTW No Building Limits mod by Mr.Fish
Submitted : 18 August 2008 - 11:43 PM
Last Updated : 20 August 2008 - 09:53 PM
File Size : 303.37K
Download link : http://forums.gamingterritory.com/files/download/467-battle-realms-wotw-no-building-limits-mod/
Description :
This WOTW mod removes the limits on all Town Squares, Keeps, and unique/special buidlings for all clans. To use the mod, back up your original Battle Realms.dat and replace it with the mod in the .zip. It ONLY works for WOTW.
It's not broken. You have to have IZarc or WinZip to open the .zip file.

Battle Realms Zymeth with orb and nightvol for lotus clan

Make zymeth with the orb,train zymeth in the warlock's tower.
Dont worry,the training at the warlock's tower doesnt cost anything ;)



Battle Realms Zymeth Mod and Nightvol for Lotus

Video Demo :

Here's the download link:


1.Train Zymeth to Warlock's Tower to have Zymeth with the orb.
2.Changed Lotus Keep to Soban's Laboratory
3.Nightvol for Lotus clan with BG Critical Strike.(Replaced Soban)
4.Kenji 3 for Dragon and Serpent clan.(Replaced Garrin and Budo)
5.Changed Flesh Crucible to Phase Spire.(Magic tower)
6.Changed Wolf clan to Slaves.(ex. Peasant Hut converted to a Shale Pile)
7.Changed Warlock's Tower to Lotus Orb Altar.
8.Changed Lotus Well to Soul Flame.
9.Changed Dragon Bathhouse to Swan's Pool.
10.Changed Royal Academy to Monastery.
11.And More

1.Make a backup of your Battlerealms.dat in you battle realms folder.
2.Download file.
3.Copy and Paste it to your Battle Realms Folder. (ex. C:\Program Files\Liquid Entertainment\Battle Realms)
5.Play and enjoy! 

1.Just replace the battlerealms.dat with the original.

Friday 14 January 2011



-STORY MODE FULLY FUNCTIONAL (This Mod doesn't affect the story mode)


        a. Battle Realms.dat
        C:\Program Files\Liquid Entertainment\Battle Realms


 EFFECTS FOLDER --- Delete all files except Effects.H2O and Effects2.H2O
 INTERFACE FOLDER--- Delete Uvas Folder and Texture Folder(Inside The Models Folder).



Video Demo :

Tuesday 4 January 2011

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tinggal merubah url-nya menjadi pola sbb,













Untuk BAB PER BAHASAN ganti chapter1 menjadi chapter2, chapter3, dst:







Selamat menyusun skripsi/ta!

Motion Graphics project 1